ADHD in adulthood
ADHD is not something that just affects children. ADHD can also occur in adulthood.
We know today that:
One thing's for sure:
ADHD can lead to substantial restrictions and problems in everyday life, at work and in the private lives of adults as well. Concentration problems, difficulties in relationships, organisational difficulties – all these can make everyday life a gauntlet for those affected.
Possible Consequences of
ADHD in Adults
- Decreased efficiency
- Restrictions on the road
- Difficulties in social relationships
- Low self-esteem
- Avoidance behaviour
- Addiction problems
ADHD scenarios in adulthood
When ADHD occurs in adulthood, the following scenarios are possible:
Scenario 1
ADHD had been diagnosed in childhood
You don't simply "out grow" ADHD. If a diagnosis of ADHD was made in childhood, it can be assumed that it will continue into adulthood. After all, we don't just become someone else as we get older.
- More than half of those affected as a child will still have significant symptoms and problems in everyday life associated with ADHD in adulthood.
- The symptoms of ADHD can change over time. For example, impulsiveness is often better controlled in adulthood, but attention deficit disorders can continue to be a problem (especially at work).
- Hyperactivity is often less pronounced in adults (e.g. more likely to feel restless or unable to relax).
Good to know:
It is never to late to get specific treatment for ADHD! There are now effective therapeutic approaches, that can help ADHD sufferers cope better with everyday life.
Scenario 2
ADHD has not yet been diagnosed
For many adults, ADHD was not diagnosed in childhood. They usually have had a long life of undiagnosed suffering.
- Failures and frustrations in many areas in the past.
- No explanation as to why they are as they are. Why, for example, they simply cannot finish certain tasks, often become overexcited, or live in chaos.
- Those affected are sometimes already being treated for other perceived illnesses (such as depression and burnout).
For many of those affected, it is often a huge relief when the diagnosis of ADHD is made and they begin to get answers to the question "Why?".